- 世界上3.5亿抑郁症患者的痛苦你真懂吗?
0条回复,1862次浏览There's been a lot of dialogue surrounding depression -- particularly in light of recent events -- as people struggle to understand why and how it affects people in t ..
- 脂肪存储来龙去脉
1条回复,2707次浏览The Ins And Outs Of Fat Storage When you eat a fatty food, it moves through the stomach and on to the intestines. In the intestines, a number of processes occur to tran ..
- 科学家首次在动物体内培育完整的器官组织
4条回复,2360次浏览腾讯科学讯 据国外媒体报道,目前,苏格兰科学家最新研究显示,动物体内首次完整生长出新的功能器官。一组细胞植入老鼠体内可以发育形成胸腺,而胸腺是免疫系统主要组成部分。 这项最 ..
- 为何单身父母约会更快乐
0条回复,1657次浏览When you think of a group that has a dating edge, single parents probably don’t leap to mind. After all, unmarried moms and dads have to line up babysitters just to go o ..
- 广西一号传销案开审,传销新动向
1条回复,1373次浏览一些人受骗加入传销组织后通过缴纳申购款取得资格,然后通过不停发展下线作为收入提成来源,传销组织内部按照“五级三晋制”方式进行管理,体系盘根错节,层级竟有40级之多,而梳理出 ..
- 新研究显示,神经元缺失是老年失眠元凶
6条回复,2431次浏览It's long been known that the older you get, the less you sleep. There are many proposed reasons for why this happens, and they include new medications, psychological ..
- 人脑电脑化只是刚刚起步
0条回复,1859次浏览With a jolt of electricity, you might be able to enter a flow state that allows you to learn a new skill twice as quickly, solve problems that have mystified you for hour ..
- 从Robin Williams 自杀谈帕金森相关疾病
0条回复,6411次浏览Clockwise from top left: Robin Williams had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s before his death; Stephen Hawking has been living with ALS for 50 years; Lou Gehrig brought A ..
- 明星罗宾.威廉姆斯自杀身亡
1条回复,1279次浏览据美国媒体8月12日报道,好莱坞喜剧明星罗宾.威廉姆斯在家中死亡,终年63岁。 当地时间8月11日上午约11:55,警方接到报警称一位成年男子在自己的寓所里失去意识,也没了呼吸。警方联 ..
- 应该避免对癌症病人说的10句话
1条回复,1443次浏览By Jane Bianchi It’s important to choose your words carefully when speaking to a cancer patient. Though you probably mean well, it’s all too easy to accidentally insult ..
- 医学专家:美容就是浪费金钱
0条回复,1302次浏览A new review in this month’s Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal says that the beauty industry’s use of the term “stem cells” is out of control. “Stem cells o ..
- 90岁美国老兵步行横跨美国
1条回复,1476次浏览If slow and steady really does win the race, count Ernie Andrus as the world champion. The 90-year-old World War II veteran started running/jogging/ambling across the ..
- 美国离异者箴言
- 5个大脑认知误区阴魂不散
0条回复,1335次浏览Photo by Getty Images Psychologist Gary Marcus recently pointed out that scientists are not only far from a comprehensive explanation of how the brain works, they can’t ..
- 美国私房拥有率再降至最低64.7%
0条回复,1431次浏览The homeownership rate in the U.S. fell to a 19-year low as rising prices and tight credit kept many first-time buyers out of the property market. The share of Americans ..
- 美国10大低压城市
0条回复,3592次浏览1. Salt Lake City盐湖城 img: http://i2.cdn.turner.com/money/dam/assets/140612043333-least-stressed-cities-salt-lake-city-ut-620xb.jpg Zen factor: Plenty of ..
- 美国10大压力城市
0条回复,1425次浏览From sky-high rents and gridlocked traffic to widespread poverty and unemployment, residents in these cities have a lot to stress about. CNNMoney spoke to the American ..
- 沪上半年日均143对夫妻离婚 较去年同期减一成
0条回复,1300次浏览申城离婚量止涨回落。根据最新出炉的本市上半年婚姻登记数据,平均每天约有143对夫妻分手,较去年同期减少一成左右。“楼市有风险,离婚需谨慎”——去年3月,这样一块宣传牌竖在了闵 ..
- 狂热,酒精,毒品,让几十位波士顿音乐会粉丝住进医院
0条回复,1547次浏览Dozens of teen concertgoers were hospitalized after an electronic dance music show at Boston’s TD Garden arena Wednesday, many suffering from a combination of heat and a ..
- 在社交网秀恩爱关系并非广受欢迎
0条回复,1333次浏览On Facebook, the divide between happy couples and everyone else is more complicated than you may have thought. People who post often about their fulfilling, committed r ..
- 睡前吃食物的真相
0条回复,4097次浏览The Truth About Eating Before Bed “Eating before bed makes you gain fat.” Sigh. Eating right before bed does not make you gain fat. It’s actually quite the opposite. ..
- 青春期帅酷坏习惯,20岁后更容易是问题青年
1条回复,2448次浏览Listen up, nerdy middle-school students: Stop aspiring to be one of the “cool kids.” New research says they're on a fast track to chaos and maladjustment. The st ..
- 母亲法庭上仁慈杀害自己亲生女儿的年轻人
1条回复,1788次浏览A devastated mother embraced her daughter's killer in court this week, a moment of forgiveness amid personal anguish. Jordyn Howe pleaded guilty in court Tuesday fo ..
- 上海5位妈妈带孩子“逃学” 质疑幼儿园规矩多
1条回复,2307次浏览5月升学季,当众多家庭想方设法进名牌幼儿园时,上海却有5名孩子在妈妈的带领下,踏遍沪上各大公园及国内多个省市,倾听风吹草木的声音,爬上大树眺望远处的风景,光着脚在泥地里奔跑 ..
- 近3份之一国家约20亿人口肥胖
0条回复,2291次浏览LONDON (AP) -- Almost a third of the world is now fat, and no country has been able to curb obesity rates in the last three decades, according to a new global analysis. ..
- 黑人弃婴“黑小囡”的上海情缘 15年终落户
1条回复,1101次浏览中国青年网 2014-05-29 07:50 2014年5月14日,朱水宝阿婆经过15年的坚持不懈,终于为“黑小囡”朱军龙办下收养证和上海户口。从某种程度上说,这段超越血缘的亲情,终于 ..
- 上海人平均一年看10次病
1条回复,1435次浏览东方网刘轶琳2014-05-28 10:43 记者日前从上海市首次发布的市民就医情况调查报告了解到,上海医院每年门诊量已达2.4亿人次,平均每人每年看10次门诊,其中,近四成首选三甲医院。 ..
- 海归相亲专场鲜见男海归 女求财男求貌趋势明显
2条回复,1530次浏览新闻晨报 2014-05-25 06:31 海归相亲专场区域几乎找不着一个男‘海归’。昨天,在青浦赵巷进行的万人相亲会吸引了2.4万名单身男女前来报名参加。但首次设立的‘海归’专场却遭遇了尴 ..
- 伊朗人脱下头巾展自由
0条回复,3174次浏览Hundreds of Iranian women are ripping off their hijabs and posting pictures online to the Facebook page "Stealthy Freedoms of Iranian Women,” a photo project tha ..
- 美国城市存钱机会调查
0条回复,1555次浏览America certainly isn't a country of savers, with the personal savings rate dwindling to 3.8 percent of personal income from about 10 percent in 1960. But residents ..
- 因酒精世上每10秒杀死一人
0条回复,2228次浏览Geneva (AFP) - Alcohol kills 3.3 million people worldwide each year, more than AIDS, tuberculosis and violence combined, the World Health Organization said Monday, warnin ..
- 上海常住人口不孕不育率约为10% 呈增长趋势
0条回复,1983次浏览在上海,常住人口不孕不育率为10%,并呈不断增高和年轻化的趋势。昨天,复旦大学附属妇产科医院开通了服务不孕不育家庭的官方微信“枣子树”,据透露,在不孕不育人群中,高学历高薪 ..
- 美国研究人员称,血检和尿检可以查出5中常见抑郁症
1条回复,1635次浏览Most psychiatrists believe that depression is caused by low levels of the chemical serotonin. This is why the treatment for depression is often selective serotonin reupta ..
- 世界最长寿男与你分享秘诀
0条回复,1399次浏览Alexander Imich, an 111-year-old Polish immigrant and Soviet gulag survivor who lives in Manhattan, became the world's oldest living man last month when the previous ..
- 被绑架十余年,逃出后主动原谅对方
1条回复,1196次浏览CLEVELAND (AP) — One of the three women held captive in a Cleveland house before escaping last year said she forgives the man who kidnapped and tortured her for nearly a ..
- 法国为什么没有剩女
0条回复,1344次浏览img: http://pnewsapp.tc.qq.com/newsapp_bt/0/17154845/640 商务范bfaner 新范友,点击题目下蓝字商务范关注我哦。 此文由商务范family成员华为赵珂推荐 我经常同夫人开玩笑:希望你 ..
- 积极思维的反思
0条回复,1883次浏览福特汽车公司的创始人亨利·福特早就说过这样一句名言:“你认为自己能够做一件事,或是认为自己做不了一件事,你都是对的。”澳大利亚作家朗达·拜恩(RhondaByrne)在其著作《秘密 ..
- 最丑女子向网络欺凌宣战
0条回复,1422次浏览Lizzie Velasquez has found a way to not only overcome adversity, but also transform it into something positive. After inspiring many with her story, the Austin, Texas-nat ..
- 失眠----链接很多疾病,尤其是心脏病和中风
0条回复,3955次浏览Paying attention to a common, highly treatable, but often overlooked symptom could help doctors more easily identify people at increased risk for heart attacks and stroke ..
- “笑一笑十年少”真的有科学根据
0条回复,1385次浏览天文航天,腾讯科学 2014-04-30 07:48 (悠悠/编译) 据英国每日邮报报道,目前,最新一项研究表明,微笑可显著提高人类健康,可使人们进入一种深度冥想状态,提高记忆力,减少心 ..
- 3年前欠房产税$6,3年后被判决赔付10余万
0条回复,2530次浏览BEAVER, Pa. (AP) — A widow was given ample notice before her $280,000 house was sold at a tax auction three years ago over $6.30 in unpaid interest, a Pennsylvania judge ..
- 2012年数据显示--美国80%高中生毕业率
1条回复,2101次浏览WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S. public high schools have reached a milestone, an 80 percent graduation rate. Yet that still means 1 of every 5 students walks away without a diplo ..
- 战胜抑郁,重返歌坛----Gary Numan
0条回复,2116次浏览Gary Numan is a bona fide synth-rock pioneer and the artist behind "Cars," one the biggest and most beloved new wave hits of all time. His critically acclaimed ..
- 老虎伍兹,现任和前妻四人同行
1条回复,2149次浏览Oh, to be a fly on the wall! Tiger Woods and girlfriend Lindsey Vonn are super-friendly with the golf champ's ex-wife Elin Nordegren: In fact, they go on double dates ..
- 美国总统夫妇努力让女儿们成为正常人
0条回复,955次浏览Michelle Obama was on “Live with Kelly & Michael” Monday, and the First Lady said that taking care of her two girls can be quite a handful. “We fight everyday to k ..
- 美国高中英雄----车祸中求人献出生命
1条回复,1302次浏览Student killed in bus crash died saving others from the smoke and flames 18-year-old Ismael Jimenez called a hero for his bravery in the face of tragedy Ismael Jimene ..